Fatal GunZ
"; die(); } //Check email function. This to prevent fake emails. (Remember the time YOU doing that?) function checkemail($address) { list($local, $host) = explode("@", $address); $pattern_local = "^([0-9a-z]*([-|_]?[0-9a-z]+)*)(([-|_]?)\.([-|_]?)[0-9a-z]*([-|_]?[0-9a-z]+)+)*([-|_]?)$"; $pattern_host = "^([0-9a-z]+([-]?[0-9a-z]+)*)(([-]?)\.([-]?)[0-9a-z]*([-]?[0-9a-z]+)+)*\.[a-z]{2,4}$"; $match_local = eregi($pattern_local, $local); $match_host = eregi($pattern_host, $host); if($match_local && $match_host) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } //The num_rows() function for ODBC since the default one always returns -1. function num_rows(&$rid) { //We can try it at least, right? $num= odbc_num_rows($rid); if ($num >= 0) { return $num; } if (!odbc_fetch_row($rid, 1)) { odbc_fetch_row($rid, 0); return 0; } if (!odbc_fetch_row($rid, 2)) { odbc_fetch_row($rid, 0); return 1; } $lo= 2; $hi= 8192000; while ($lo < ($hi - 1)) { $mid= (int)(($hi + $lo) / 2); if (odbc_fetch_row($rid, $mid)) { $lo= $mid; } else { $hi= $mid; } } $num= $lo; odbc_fetch_row($rid, 0); return $num; } ?> <?=$servername?> Registration
= 1) { gtfo("Username in use."); } //Check if the Email is in use. $query2 = odbc_exec($connect, "SELECT AID FROM $accounttable WHERE Email = '" . antisql($_POST['email']) . "'"); $count2 = num_rows($query2); if ($count2 >= 1) { gtfo("Email address in use."); } //Regdate $regdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //Time for the real work. Editing this will be the end of your regpage. $query3 = odbc_exec($connect, "INSERT INTO $accounttable (UserID, UGradeID, PGradeID, RegDate, Email, Age, Name) VALUES ('".antisql($_POST['username'])."', '0', '0', '$regdate', '".antisql($_POST['email'])."', '".antisql($_POST['age'])."', '".antisql($_POST['name'])."')"); $query4 = odbc_exec($connect, "SELECT AID FROM $accounttable WHERE UserID = '" . antisql($_POST['username']) . "'"); odbc_fetch_row($query4); $aid = odbc_result($query4, 1); //If no results comes back. (Registration failed.) if (!$aid) { gtfo("Shit happened. Please report this bug at our forums."); } odbc_exec($connect, "INSERT INTO $logintable (UserID, AID, Password) VALUES ('".antisql($_POST['username'])."', '$aid', '".antisql($_POST['password'])."')"); //When everything is done, show the username/password to the visitor. gtfo("Your account has been created.

Username: $_POST[username]
Password: $_POST[password]

Have fun at $servername!"); } //Here the party begins. Feel free to edit this. echo "Register an account at FatalGunZ.

"; ?>
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